The possibility of duty-free import of goods for personal use is extended in the EAEU: Город Астана, 28 Сентября 2023 года - новости на сайте

The possibility of duty-free import of goods for personal use is extended in the EAEU

The possibility of duty-free import of goods for personal use is extended in the EAEU

The possibility of duty-free import of goods for personal use is extended in the EAEU

The possibility of duty-free import of goods for personal use is extended in the EAEU

The possibility of duty-free import of goods for personal use is extended in the EAEU

A number of important decisions for the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union were adopted at the two-day meeting of the EEC Council, held in Moscow from September 26 to 27, 2023.

The Kazakh delegation was headed by Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin. At the meeting, the EAEU member states supported and adopted two more proposals initiated by the Kazakh side. The first is to further expand the list of goods and services available for business participation in public procurement of EAEU partner countries. Kazakhstan is consistently carrying out this work. At the last meeting, two new industries - heavy machinery and measuring instruments - were introduced to the list of available for participation in procurement. Established conditions, production and technological operations for 7 commodity positions in the spheres of special, heavy machinery, chemical and oil and gas industry, measuring instruments.

The second proposal concerns the labeling of medicinal products with means of identification. The document, which is necessary for the formation of a single market for medicinal products by 2025, has been under discussion since 2021. The proposals of the Kazakhstani side concerned the conditions for mutual recognition of means of identification of medicinal products of the EAEU member states that have introduced marking on their territories. Countries where these norms have not yet been adopted will label their drugs when exporting them in accordance with the legislation of the state to which the goods are imported.

Among the important decisions for individuals and fans of online shopping: the threshold value of €1000 for goods imported into the customs territory of the EAEU for personal use, i.e. parcels, has been extended until April 1, 2024. This is a temporary measure designed to support online trade and meet the demand of citizens of the EAEU member states for imported goods.

The EEC Council approved the draft Agreement on Administrative Cooperation in the sector of weather forecasting and meteorology services. The document defines the list of information to which free access is provided on the websites of member countries and the procedure for information interaction. The agreement will allow the formation of a single market for weather forecasting and meteorology services within the Eurasian Economic Union.

Introduces amendments to the Customs Union technical regulations on the safety of meat and meat products. The amendments are aimed at resolving problems connected with controlling the correctness of the indication of the quantity of food substances and permissible deviations so as not to mislead consumers of meat products.

A number of issues aimed at developing economic integration in the spheres of customs, technical regulation, energy and information interaction were also considered and adopted.

Источник: Министерство торговли и интеграции Республики Казахстан

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<p><b>A number of important decisions for the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union were adopted at the two-day meeting of the EEC Council, held in Moscow from September 26 to 27, 2023.</b></p> <p>The Kazakh delegation was headed by Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin. At the meeting, the EAEU member states supported and adopted two more proposals initiated by the Kazakh side. The first is to further expand the list of goods and services available for business participation in public procurement of EAEU partner countries. Kazakhstan is consistently carrying out this work. At the last meeting, two new industries - heavy machinery and measuring instruments - were introduced to the list of available for participation in procurement. Established conditions, production and technological operations for 7 commodity positions in the spheres of special, heavy machinery, chemical and oil and gas industry, measuring instruments.</p> <p>The second proposal concerns the labeling of medicinal products with means of identification. The document, which is necessary for the formation of a single market for medicinal products by 2025, has been under discussion since 2021. The proposals of the Kazakhstani side concerned the conditions for mutual recognition of means of identification of medicinal products of the EAEU member states that have introduced marking on their territories. Countries where these norms have not yet been adopted will label their drugs when exporting them in accordance with the legislation of the state to which the goods are imported.</p> <p>Among the important decisions for individuals and fans of online shopping: the threshold value of &euro;1000 for goods imported into the customs territory of the EAEU for personal use, i.e. parcels, has been extended until April 1, 2024. This is a temporary measure designed to support online trade and meet the demand of citizens of the EAEU member states for imported goods.</p> <p>The EEC Council approved the draft Agreement on Administrative Cooperation in the sector of weather forecasting and meteorology services. The document defines the list of information to which free access is provided on the websites of member countries and the procedure for information interaction. The agreement will allow the formation of a single market for weather forecasting and meteorology services within the Eurasian Economic Union.</p> <p>Introduces amendments to the Customs Union technical regulations on the safety of meat and meat products. The amendments are aimed at resolving problems connected with controlling the correctness of the indication of the quantity of food substances and permissible deviations so as not to mislead consumers of meat products.</p> <p>A number of issues aimed at developing economic integration in the spheres of customs, technical regulation, energy and information interaction were also considered and adopted.</p>

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